Woo Million Demonstrator

11bytes demonstrator for a scaling Woo Shop with one million products and orders



Woo - or WooCommerce, as it was known until recently - is undoubtedly a very good choice for online stores as the world's most widely used e-commerce platform.

However, there are persistent rumors that Woo is not so suitable for "large" stores with a lot of products and orders.

We got to the bottom of this and found out: With a little manual work, you can very well build a highly scalable Woo Shop!

The demonstrator was presented by our Managing Director Steffen Dressler at WordCamp Germany 2023 in Gerolstein, the official German congress of the WordPress community. You can find a recording of the presentation here.

How we create added value

The demonstrator shows that Woo is very capable of handling even high demands in a robust and practical manner. This is good news for all ambitious Woo store operators who have a high growth rate in their store!

We have made our findings and instructions for rebuilding the demonstrator freely available to the Woo community. As enthusiastic open source users, we want to give something back to the community.

You can see the demonstrator and our findings for yourself here: https://woo-million.11bytes.de/